T: 0333 7000 755

E: training@theexamsoffice.com

International Exams Officer Training 2025

Pre-Booking for 2025

International Exams Officer Training 2025

Please use the form below to show your interest, or pre-book, our upcoming International Exams Officer Training 2025.

By expressing your interest to attend the training via this form, you will be given first option to book your place once arrangements are confirmed.

If you book your place via this form, you will be guaranteed a place at the training and have an opportunity to cancel this place in September when your booking will need to be confirmed.

Required fields marked *

Your interest

Number of attendees

The cost of attendance is £795 for the first attendee from a centre and £495 for additional delegates.

Event Details

Depending on the number of changes in regulations, the event may be:

  • a 2-day exams officer training event and a half-day invigilator training event, or
  • a 1.5 day exams officer training event with the half-day invigilator training taking place during the afternoon of day 2. This will enable non-local exams officers to attend the invigilator training to view the content and how it is delivered, and acquire certification to allow them to invigilate upon returning to their centre